Our golden ambition
Focussing on children and young people is our hope for the future. Only by making generational change in health and social care outcomes for today’s children can we achieve our aims. This is why our Partnership has the golden ambition of radically improving children and young people’s wellbeing, health and care.

Through our Start Well Board, the Partnership is prioritising children and young people. In creating the conditions for all children and young people to start well we are focussing on:
Prevention and early intervention
- Tackling asthma
- Improving dental health
- Making better use of data
- Enhancing safeguarding
Healthy pregnancies, healthy start
- Improving maternity and neonatal care services
- Enhancing the healthy child programme (0-19)
Learning well
- Improving earley speech and language
- Ensuring access to therapeutic services
- Enabling participation for children with neurodiversity
Emotional resilience and mental health
- Enabling resilience and meeting need early
- Ensuring equitable access to mental health services
- Championing child-friendly practice
- Improving crisis care
Care experienced children and young people
- Enhancing our offer for care leavers
- Improving residential placements
Health and care futures
- Improving access to health and care careers