The Hull Health and Care Partnership includes health and care organisations from across Hull who are working together to improve the health of our population.
Our vision
Our vision is to create a healthier Hull and we know that this cannot be achieved just through medical healthcare or treatment. We understand that many factors impact on health, and that jobs, skills, houses, education and access to places to play and learn are all part of how people live and what makes them healthy and happy.
Some key statistics for Hull
- 17% of the population currently smokes – though the prevalence has generally been decreasing the rates vary widely
- for males, around 42% of the life expectancy gap between the most and least deprived wards within Hull is made
up of circulatory disease and cancer - 71% of adults are classified as overweight or obese. 28% of children in reception are overweight or obese
- 55% of adults are physically active
- 71% of people are in employment
- 33% of children are in relative low income families
Integrated Care Board priorities for Hull

We are working to deliver the following with our partners:
- rolling out our project to support people who receive home care across the city as part of developing Integrated Neighbourhood Teams
- working with community, mental health and voluntary sector organisations to deliver the Care at Home Project
- working with local trusts and community providers to improve access to elective care and cancer services
- continuing our joint improvement plans for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
- reducing admissions to hospital and improving the discharge process
- ensuring Hull Primary Care Networks take a population health management approach to identify patients that may need a clinical review
- working across public health and with our local council to use a ‘trauma informed’ approach for inclusion health groups
- targeted tobacco control workplace and deprived community work
- providing primary care in children’s centres
The Hull City Council Director of Public Health annual report Together we can has looked at the ongoing and important work being done to address health inequities and the impact of that work. It goes behind the data, to explore what it really means for people in our communities; as well as what really needs to change to encourage a positive impact on the lives of them and their loved ones.

Primary Care
Primary Care Networks build on the services offered by GP practices; meaning patients can benefit from more proactive, personalised and coordinated health and social care.
To meet these needs, GP practices work together and with community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and voluntary services in their local areas as part of Primary Care Networks (also known as PCNs).

Hull Health and Care Partnership
The Hull Health and Care Partnership has a core membership made up from representatives from Hull City Council (including public health, children and families, adult social care and housing), NHS healthcare providers in Hull, the University of Hull, Hull Learning Partnership, Healthwatch Kingston upon Hull and Hull Voice and Influence Partnership. It meets in public six times a year. It will continue to shape and mature relationships with the partners, and to embed citizen engagement and co-design into its delivery.
The Health and Care Partnership in Hull has agreed its Health and Wellbeing Strategy with the principle of working together to create a fairer Hull where everyone benefits from real and sustained improvements in health and wellbeing. This model enables transparent, accountable and collaborative decision making where a range of views may be considered.

Hull SEND offer
The Local Offer is a way to make it easier for you to find out about services and support available to children and young people from birth to 25 years with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Information and support is separated into a variety of areas, Early Years, Education, Health and Wellbeing, Transport, Social Care, Supported internships , Leisure, Money, and Adulthood.

Minor ailments scheme in Hull
The minor ailment scheme is an NHS service for anyone who does not pay prescription charges, including children under 16. After you speak to the pharmacist, they may be able to give you medicines free of charge or without you needing an appointment with your doctor.
There are 72 pharmacies in Hull where you can use the minor ailment scheme, you do not need an appointment and you can attend at a time which suits you.
To be eligible to use the scheme you must be registered with a Hull GP and go to a Hull Pharmacy that is in the scheme. You must also not pay for your prescriptions. You will need to show you are eligible to take part in the scheme.
If you are not eligible to access medicines through this scheme, you can still ask for free advice and guidance from your pharmacist.
Click here to see which pharmacies run the scheme.
The pharmacist will ask you some questions about your symptoms, any medication you are currently taking and any allergies to medicine you may have. They will then give you advice on how to best manage your symptoms and will be able to give you medicine, if you need it, and advice on how and when to take this.
Just like when visiting your doctor, all information you give is confidential and any medication you are given is only to be used by yourself and taken as directed.
Illnesses and ailments covered by the minor ailment scheme include:
- Acne
- Allergic / Contact dermatitis
- Athlete’s foot
- Cold sores
- Conjunctivitis – allergic and bacterial
- Constipation
- Coughs and colds / flu / high temperature / post vaccine fever prophylaxis
- Cystitis in adult females
- Dandruff
- Diarrhoea
- Dry eyes
- Ear wax
- Eczema and dry or itchy skin
- Gingivostomatitis (mouth or gum swelling)
- Haemorrhoids (piles)
- Hay fever / allergic rhinitis
- Head lice
- Indigestion / heartburn / nausea /tummy upset / vomiting
- Insect bites and stings
- Mouth ulcers
- Nasal congestion
- Nappy rash
- Pain – dental, period, back, head, ear and soft tissue
- Sore throat
- Teething
- Thread worm
- Thrush – oral and vaginal
- Warts and verrucae
Your pharmacist will also be able to advise if you need to visit your GP or if you require medication which only a GP can prescribe to you. If you’re not sure if you are eligible to take part in the minor ailment scheme then check with your local pharmacy. You can find your local pharmacy here. Alternatively call NHS 111