Our Work
Our work with populations in East Riding goes beyond diagnosing and treating illness, putting more emphasis on improving well-being and preventing ill health.
Improving health and wellbeing in Bridlington
Public service organisations across East Riding of Yorkshire, the East Riding Place Partnership, are working together to create opportunities for change to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in and around Bridlington. To find out more click here.

Down’s Syndrome Pathway
Hull Health and Care Partnership, working with Downright Special and health and social care services in Hull, has continued to update and develop a pathway for people living with Down’s Syndrome and their families or carers
To find out more here
East Riding Health and Care Committee
Public service organisations across East Riding of Yorkshire, the East Riding Place Partnership, are working together to create opportunities for change to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in and around Bridlington. Find out more here