York Health and Care Partnership
The York Health and Care Partnership (YHCP) includes health and care organisations from across York who are working together to improve the health of our population.
Our Vision
Over the next decade, York will become healthier, and that health will be fairer. York Place will support delivery of the six big ambitions of our Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2032:
- become a health generating city
- prevent now to avoid later harm
- start good health and wellbeing young
- make good health more equal across the city
- work to make York a mentally healthy city
- build a collaborative health and care system
Where we are now
- York has an ageing and growing population, with increases in hospital care, social care and GP usage
- York’s red flags are alcohol consumption, multiple complex needs, drug related deaths and student health
- one in nine people in York have more than one long-term condition, and there is an elective backlog across primary and secondary care
- under 18 admissions for mental health need with a high prevalence of common mental health illness, high suicide and high self harm rates
- one in ten people smoke, two in three adults are overweight or obese and one in seven live with depression
- York has a widening inequalities gap in healthy life expectancy, health of those living with a learning disability and school readiness.
Our priorities
Our priority includes our partnership ambitions to strengthen community integration across health and social care, and physical and mental health. The aim of our work is to improve models of community-based support which are preventative, so people do not need to seek professional help so often and can find mental wellness in connections and communities.

What we will deliver in 2023/24
Health and Care organisations in York are working towards developing strong, multi-agency system teams to meet the health and social needs of our residents, and whilst we always strive for continuous improvement, significant progress has been made towards delivering our priorities in 2023/24. We want to:
- Strengthen York’s integrated community offer
- Implement an integrated UEC offer for York
- Further develop Primary/Secondary shared-care models
- Embed an integrated prevention and early intervention model
- Develop a partnership based, inclusive model for children, young people, and families
- Drive social and economic development
- Develop an Integrated Community Frailty Single Point of Access Hub including mapping, outcomes and delivery model
- work in partnership with North Yorkshire on the redesign of urgent care, developing a single fully integrated 24/7 specification
- re-establish a clinically-led Primary/Secondary Care Interface Group to explore opportunities for shared care pathway development
- across health, social care and education we will identify the barriers to overcome through working together, we will have taken the first step, and we will have a plan for action
- acceleration of a prevention programme for long-term conditions to support delivery of the prevention actions in the York Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2032 Action Plan
- fulfil our role as an ICS to support the three city strategies, and as an anchor institution for development, housing, workforce, and supporting vulnerable groups