Get Involved
We want you to have your say about health and care services in the East Riding.
We are committed to ensuring that patients’ needs are at the heart of everything we do. Within this section you read about how we enable people to voice their views and contribute to plans and decisions about services.
Engaging with our communities
Our plans and projects will only be successful if they are informed by the needs, wants and desires of the local people they seek to serve.
We are committed to involving local people as far as possible in the work that we are doing. We will strive to be as open and transparent as possible in all that we do. Read more about the commitment to engagement.
How to get involved
We want to hear your views and ideas about how we should tackle the challenges our health and care system faces. As we develop our plans and ideas there will be different opportunities for you to help shape the future of local services by asking questions, making suggestions and sharing your ideas. Check out our Engagement Hub for the latest opportunities to get involved.
If you are interested in finding out more, want to share feedback or ask a question, please contact us using the online contact form.
Current opportunities to have your say in the East Riding:

How can you get involved?
There are many ways you can help us to help you by getting involved in shaping NHS services.
Involve Network
Involve is a local network for East Riding of Yorkshire residents who are registered with an East Riding GP and who care about the NHS. Members help us by contributing views, and if they wish, volunteering their time to contribute views through surveys, focus groups and conversations – you can choose how much you want to be involved. To find out more and join up, click here.

Working Voices
The NHS has always been at the heart of local communities including the business community. We’ve relaunched Working Voices across the Humber and North Yorkshire region. Our aim is to work with businesses to help you support and your staff to improve their health and wellbeing. We also want to engage with your staff, giving them the opportunity to talk to us about health services in their area so we can plan and design future services that will meet their needs.
Health and wellbeing in the workplace is more important than ever. In Yorkshire and Humber, it’s estimated two per cent of working days are lost to staff sickness. Minor illness, back and joint pain and mental health are among the most common reasons behind staff absence, with those who smoke even more likely to become poorly.
Find out more Working Voices – Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership

NHS Community Champions
A NHS Champion is simply a person, or group of people, who are helping other people in Humber and North Yorkshire to be healthy and happy.
The NHS Champions is our initiative to support community groups, individuals, and volunteers to create a healthier Humber and North Yorkshire. We aim to have a Champion on every street in the region, inspiring and empowering their family, friends, neighbours, and community to be happy and healthy.
For more information click here

Join your local Patient Participation Group
Ever thought of joining a PPG? Many East Riding GP practices have patient participation groups. They’re made up of individual patients who take an active interest in patient healthcare. As a health care partnership, we host a regular “GP Patient-Engagement Forum” meeting to bring together patient group representatives to network, share ideas and discuss good practice. This group is also instrumental in influencing our future plans.
NHS England have released a helpful information pack about PPGs and how to maintain a well-run group. The Patients Association also has a PPG Toolkit to support PPGs.
If you are interested in joining your local practice group please contact your GP Practice.
If you would like to join the GP patient Engagement group or be a Patient and Public Representative contact a member of the communications and engagement team by emailing
Maternity Voices Partnership
East Riding MVP
Our Maternity Voices Partnership, (MVP) aims to represent the families of East Riding and is inclusive to the vast areas where we cover. The professionals within the MVP are passionate about the job that they do and are always more than willing to discuss and develop their services to ensure they offer equality to our families. Across the East Riding MVP and sister partnerships we share a clear emphasis on the importance of listening and engaging with families throughout the birthing journey and into parenthood
Find out more information

Friends and Family Test
How likely are you to recommend this service to a friend or family member if they needed similar care or treatment?”
The Friends and Family Test was introduced to the NHS as a way to assess how well services are performing. The test is based on one simple question which NHS providers routinely ask patients and helps us make improvements locally. More information is available here [external website].
Contact your local Healthwatch
Healthwatch East Riding of Yorkshire is the independent voice for the people of the East Riding, helping to shape, challenge and improve local health and social care services. We have regular meetings with Healthwatch representatives to discuss and assure our future plans and approach to engagement, to ensure they are robust, joined up and inclusive. We also support each other by promoting involvement opportunities.

Inclusion East Riding – coming soon
Inclusion health covers a number of traditionally excluded populations, including people currently experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. forced migrants and refugees and those with substance and alcohol misuse difficulties. Find out how you can get involved with the Inclusion Health programme within the East Riding of Yorkshire Health and Care committee which aims to improve access to, and experience of, services within the East Riding for inclusion groups.