Involve is a local network for East Riding of Yorkshire residents who are registered with an East Riding GP and who care about the NHS.
What is involve?
involve is a local network for East Riding of Yorkshire residents who are registered with an East Riding GP and who care about the NHS. involve members help us by contributing their views, and if they wish, volunteering their time to contribute views through surveys, focus groups and conversations – you can choose how much you want to be involved.
We currently have around 250 involve members. By being involved, you are helping us to improve services in our area.
Join involve
There are several ways to join:
Send us an email to asking to join the involve network
Download the Registration Form to join involve
Ask us for a printed copy of our joining form via the details below
Note: Your information is kept secure and confidential and only used for the purpose it has been collected for. Further information about how we use your information is available here.
Want to talk to someone?
If you would be interested in being involved and want to contact us now, please use the following details:
By email:
By post:
Involve Patient Network
Health House
Grange Park Lane
HU10 6DT
involve news
Thank you to our involve members who joined a number of our meetings or got involved in projects such as:
- Primary Care Development Group
- Community Services Involvement Panel
- Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service
- Extended Access Procurement
- Research and Development Group
- Get Help Sooner