die well icon. purple circle with a sun set iconic

Die Well

We want to create an environment in which people can have positive conversations about death and dying.

die well stats More than 2,700 people in Humber and North Yorkshire die each year from causes considered preventable. Some of our areas have a significant gap in life expectancy between the most and least deprived. In North Yorkshire there is a gap of 9.5 years and in East Riding of Yorkshire this gap is 11.2 years.

We have completed our review against the National Ambitions Framework for All Age Palliative and End of Life care which has enabled us to identify our priorities and areas of focus for Humber and North Yorkshire. This has led to development of the Centre of Excellence for Palliative and End of Life Care which will help us to produce and implement our All-Age Palliative and End of Life Care approach across the system.

Two images side by side. One is an older lady with glasses looking at the camera in black and white. The other is an older man (granddad) walking with a girl with arms around back walking away from the camera on a path in a park.