Employability and careers promotion
Our aim is to focus on strengthening pipelines into the health and care sector to support the recruitment and retention of support staff.
Promoting careers in health and care
Humber and North Yorkshire Careers Hub offers information for future employees, employers and education establishments.
It’s a one stop shop for everything health and care careers related across Humber and North Yorkshire.
• Search the interactive career pathway to find a career for you
• Search and apply for apprenticeships
• Prepare like a pro – useful guides for writing a CV and Interview Techniques
• Explore the education and training pathway to find the best route into the sector for you
Health and Care Ambassadors
Across Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care partners are working together to promote Health and Care as a career of choice. To maximise the reach and impact of employer engagement, a Health and Care Ambassador Scheme has been developed.
Ambassadors can visit Schools, Colleges and Job Centres and take part in a range of careers activities including careers fairs, recruitment days and mentoring.
Please click here to see what ambassador opportunities are available.
Find out more about the ambassador scheme here
AIEM for Health and Care
Across our region Health and Care partners are working together to promote Health and Care as a career of choice. This AIEM for Health and Care framework brings together the work that is happening across the region, highlighting examples of good practice, as well as sharing links to national resources that can be used to support people into Health and Care careers. We are continuing to work with Partners to create a single point of access to the resources available.
The framework model and guidance can be found here
We need to consider how we develop awareness across Humber and North Yorkshire, who we target and how we create a positive perception of careers in Health and Care with a focus on diversity, inclusion and widening participation from disadvantaged and underrepresented groups. View the framework to access the resources available to help you develop awareness of Health and Care Careers.
We need to ensure that people have up to date and relevant information on the opportunities available in Humber and North Yorkshire. This is where we can provide more detailed information on for example, the roles and responsibilities of the job and how to enter the profession. View the framework to find out what information is available to help you develop awareness on Health and Care Careers.
Engagement is an opportunity for people to interact directly with employers, to have any questions answered, to visit the setting where they could be based and potentially experience elements of the role they are interested in all of which could cement their interested in a career in health and care. To find out more about the resources available to support Employer Engagement, view the framework
Mentorship and Raising Aspirations
The underpinning principle of the Step into Health and Social Care Framework is how we can raise aspirations and support those who may need that bit of additional support to enter the Health and Social Care sector. Mentoring is an effective way to support and encourage people who have made the decision to work in Health and Social Care develop in their career. To find out more about the resources available to support Mentoring and Raising Aspirations, view the framework.

Across Humber and North Yorkshire we are working on number of employability initiatives these include:
Princes Trust
In partnership with North Yorkshire County Council and the Princes Trust programme has been developed to provide young people (16-30) with bespoke packages of support to health and care providers to deliver solutions to their recruitment demands and workforce planning challenges whilst providing young people with quality and life changing employment opportunities that tap into the strengths and talents of our young people.
Springpod Virtual Work Experience
In partnership with North Yorkshire County Council, York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Hull University Teaching Hospitals Trust we have developed a virtual work experience programme for young people. This consists of live workshops (also available on demand), projects, activities and quizzes to give young people an experience of the world of work as an Allied Health Professional (Physiotherapist, Radiographer and Occupational Therapist) as well and as programme to cover the social care sector.
Work Experience Toolkit
We are working with partners from across Humber and North Yorkshire to promote and expand Health & Social Care work experience creating more exposure to H&SC careers with a particular focusing on careers which are identified workforce gaps in order that these can be filled by “growing our own” workforce in a way that also retains a sustainable future workforce. As part of this work we have developed a work experience toolkit which has been adopted by employers to provide them with the information and documentation to enable them to deliver quality work experience placements.
Learn Live CPD sessions
We have delivered 2 CPD Industry Insight sessions for Careers Advisors, Teachers and Employment Coaches on the current workforce trends and pathways into social care and health careers to upskill their knowledge on the sectors and roles available so that the information, advice and guidance they provide to our future workforce is relevant and support us to grow our own workforce.
You can watch the sessions on demand here.