Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE)

The VCSE sector is an important partner for statutory health and social care organisations and plays a key role in improving health and care outcomes for its communities, not only by delivering services but also by shaping their design and advocating for, representing and amplifying the voice of service users, patients and carers.

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Humber and North Yorkshire VCSE Collaborative

The Humber and North Yorkshire Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Collaborative represents the wider VCSE sector and comprises of Place Leads from VCSE sector infrastructure organisations, the NHS, and the VCSE Collaborative staff team.

The VCSE Collaborative sits within the governance of Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership and is equal to the other Collaboratives of Mental Health, Primary Care, Acute and Community. Find out more about our work below and in our introductory video.


Close-up image of a Ambulance with its lights flashing.

New report published on the experiences of the rough sleeper community in Hull

The latest report by Healthwatch Hull, funded by Yorkshire Ambulance Service Charity, explores the experiences of the homeless population when accessing ambulance services in Hull.

22 July 2024

Image of wooden blocks spelling the word Update

Read the latest meeting update from the VCSE Collaborative

The latest meeting update from the VCSE Collaborative is now live and includes information about the VCSE Collaborative’s activities and programmes of work.

17 July 2024

Text reads: VCSE Health Inequalities Small Grants Fund - Apply now

VCSE Health Inequalities Small Grants Fund launched for York’s VCSE sector

The VCSE Health Inequalities Small Grants Fund is now accepting applications to support projects across York that aim to reduce health inequalities, with £55k is available to be distributed.

12 July 2024 

Training and Events

This webinar aims to share key messages about domestic abuse alongside information about support. There would be no limit to the number of staff able to attend, and a recording of the session can be made available to staff unable to attend on the day. 

Book online here

Our training is for everyone, those experiencing menopause and those playing a vital support role. Focuses on what menopause is, why and when it happens and ways of managing menopause, participants will also gain confidence in having supportive conversations around menopause and how to get the right support together including the important role a partner, team or family member can play in supporting someone through menopause.

Book online here

Breathwork is the only route into the nervous system which makes it such a powerful practice. Research shows that deep full breaths regulate the nervous system by toning the vagus nerve (the parasympathetic nervous system). When we have patterns of anxiety and overwhelm our sympathetic nervous system (flight and fight) will have us feeling tense and on the go. 

Book online here

The role of the VCSE sector in Integrated Care Systems

A report, commissioned by NHS England explores the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector’s unique role in supporting provider collaboratives.

Key highlights from the report, include:

  • VCSE organisations are in a unique position to support provider collaboratives and that as a sector we bring innovation, expertise, experience and resources to the table. 
  • It is key for VCSE organisations to be engaged as early as possible to help us to be recognised as transformational strategic partners within provider collaboratives.
  • It is important to identify dedicated budget and resource to support the VCSE sector in playing an active part in provider collaboratives.
  • Through partnerships, we can represent communities rather than individual organisations.
Download Full Report

As a sector we bring innovation, expertise, experience and resources to the table. 

Humber and North Yorkshire VCSE Collaborative

Our Plan

Our plan is to enable the potential and impact of the VCSE sector to be realised by being fully integrated into the planning, design and delivery of health and care across Humber and North Yorkshire; cementing the sector’s role as a key strategic partner.

The importance of the VCSE sector in the planning and delivery of health and care is highlighted throughout the NHS Long Term Plan.

Our Events

We are busy planning our next event – come back soon to find out more.

Our People

Gary Sainty - Head of VCSE 

Jason Stamp - (Chair) Chief Officer, Forum 

Alison Semmence - (Vice Chair) Chief Executive, York CVS 

Jane Colthup - Chief Executive, Community First Yorkshire

Jamie Lewis - Chief Executive, Hey Smile Foundation

Jennifer Jonhson - Delivery Manager, Sector Support North East Lincolnshire Partnership

Lucy Stephenson - Chief Executive, Citizens Advice North Lincolnshire

Sam Haward - Head of Community Services, North Yorkshire Place

Erica Daley - NHS Place Director 

Penny Butcher - VCSE Programme Manager 

Drew Richardson - Strategic Volunteer Lead 

Beckie Deamer-Brooke - VCSE Business Support Officer 

Anna Boad - VCSE Collaborative Communications Lead
Meet the VCSE Collaborative Staff Team

Our Programmes of Work:

Image of two people sitting under a canopy in a wooded area. They are carving small pieces of wood. Credit: Raincliffe Wood Community Enterprise CIC
Green Social Prescribing

Green Social Prescribing helps connect people with the outdoors and nature, bringing with it a huge range of mental and physical health benefits.

Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership has recently completed its work as a ‘test and learn’ site for Green Social Prescribing, one of only seven sites across England. 

A huge amount of learning has been captured, alongside valuable evidence that shows the significant impacts that outdoor and nature activities can have on those with mild to moderate mental ill health.
Image of a white male with a bag and official lanyard smiling and shaking hands with an older white male wearing glasses who has just opened the door.
Research Report: Contribution of the VCSE sector

The VCSE Collaborative commissioned a report, produced by Durham University, which outlines how Humber and North Yorkshire's VCSE sector continues to provide a lifeline to people and communities at a grassroots level. 

The 2023 report shows that there are an estimated 13,790 VCSE sector organisations (registered and unregistered) across Humber and North Yorkshire with an economic value of £1.5 billon and estimated value of £3.5 billion when considering added and social value. 
Read the research findings
Image of a young woman with curly hair speaking to a group of people
Skill Up – Community Organisers Programme Pilot 

Creating space for black, Asian and minoritised ethnic people is vital for the continuation of support provided by historically white institutions. That’s why the VCSE Collaborative commissioned an upskilling and community organising development programme specifically for black, Asian and minoritised ethnic community organisers called ‘Skill Up’. 

The focus is on upskilling and developing peer support networks to help tackle some of the challenges and barriers that exist around Hull and 
North Lincolnshire.

Useful links for the VCSE sector

Image of a white woman in glasses smiling at a woman of colour Doctor who has her back to the camera. The speech bubble reads: The courses are well thought out, introduce you to all the difference perspectives and provide you with, and involve you in practical demonstrations. I would definitely recommend

Free Personalised Care training for your organisation

Equip your staff and volunteers with the knowledge, skills and confidence to help individuals get more involved in decisions about their care. 

Access Personalised Care Training
A circle with the letters HNY Inc. written inside. The circle is surrounded by multicoloured paint splatters that merge together.

Inclusive Language Guidance now available to download

This document has been co-developed in partnership with a diverse group of colleagues to improve confidence around using inclusive language.

Download Inclusive Language Guidance
Woman of colour wearing a Hijab head scarf sat with headphones on in front of an open laptop. She is writing in a notebook.

Did you know you can access free training for your staff and volunteers?

Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership has a full programme of free events and training that all VCSE sector staff and volunteers can access. 

View full training programme

Featured Programmes

To view all of our programmes click here.

We want to create more efficient hospital-based services for people who need them, making the best use of the resources and workforce across our system to plan and deliver hospital care.

We want to help more people to survive cancer and support people in our region to live well with and beyond cancer.

We aim to ensure that people in our region are able to access advice, care and support in an urgent or emergency situation.

Working together to improve elective (planned) care locally is a key priority for the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.

We want to create more efficient hospital-based services for people who need them, making the best use of the resources and workforce across our system to plan and deliver hospital care.

Climate change poses the most significant long-term threat to our health, not to mention our planet. The Greener NHS programme will work with staff, hospitals and our partners.