VCSE Collaborative Update

The VCSE Collaborative’s vision is to enable the potential and impact of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector to be realised by being fully integrated into the planning, design and delivery of health and care across Humber and North Yorkshire (HNY). 

The VCSE Collaborative meet on a monthly basis. Following each meeting we share an overview of the discussions with the wider system and VCSE Sector to provide an update on the Collaborative’s activities. 

The latest update includes information about the first HNY Social Prescribing Conference and networking event taking place on 8 February, and the VCSE Collaborative’s social prescribing review which focuses on what social prescribing across our region looks like, its impact and the challenges faced. There’s also an update on funding which will be made available to VCSE Sector organisations to pilot one-off Personal Health Budgets (PHB’s) to their service users. You can view the full overview of the VCSE Collaborative’s Meeting which took place on Monday 9 January here