What is the Humber Acute Services Programme?
The Humber Acute Services Programme is about designing hospital services for the future that are safe, accessible and meet the needs of our people.
To achieve this we have to change what we do and how we do it – both in our hospitals and in healthcare provided out of hospital.
Why do things need to change?
Healthcare has been changing ever since the NHS was created more than seventy years ago. Healthcare is continuing to change now, arguably more quickly than ever – particularly to respond the coronavirus pandemic. So what happens in hospitals will change. This is true for hospitals throughout the UK and across the world.
The NHS can do things today we couldn’t dream of ten years ago and the same will be true ten years from now. So, we need to plan services to reflect this change.
Public Consultation
The public consultation on a proposal to change the way some services are provided at Grimsby and Scunthorpe Hospitals has now closed.
The consultation launched on 25th September and ran for 14 and a half weeks. More information about the proposal is provided on our dedicated Consultation website here https://betterhospitalshumber.nhs.uk
The Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) will consider the views and evidence provided during this public consultation alongside other material information – such as changes to policy, regulations or clinical standards and any updated activity or workforce modelling – before making a decision on how these services should be delivered in the future.
The Decision-Making Business Case will be made public through the Integrated Care Board website on the Meeting and Papers page