Humber and North Yorkshire Collaboration of Acute Providers (CAP)

We will harness our collective expertise and resources to ensure that our population has timely access to consistent and high standards of care and are supported to achieve their best health

About Us

The Collaboration of Acute Providers brings together all four NHS Trusts that deliver acute services in Humber and North Yorkshire, pooling our expertise in an unprecedented way.

Our Collaborative comprises

  • Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH)

  • Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLaG)

  • York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (YSTH)

  • Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust (HDFT).

Our four Trusts work together through the CAP, recognising that we
are stronger together and that the challenges we face cannot be
addressed by one Trust alone.

By focusing our collective efforts and
resources we can address health inequalities and seek to deliver our
services together in the most effective and efficient way.

Watch video below for an explanation of how CAP is working
across Humber and North Yorkshire including the different
levels of collaboration.

Presented by Jonathan Lofthouse, Group Chief Executive of HUTH and NLaG.

Our Collaborative comprises

  • Quality and Safety – to deliver, together, the highest quality services across our four Trusts, focusing on the patient and on reducing unwarranted variation, so all can access the same levels of care, wherever they live.

  • Transformation and Innovation – to transform services to ensure the safest, most effective and most efficient care within the resources available.

  • Collaboration and Partnership – to be excellent partners in our health and care systems and to collaborative where collaboration will bring benefits to patients and staff ensuring the best use of resources.

  • Social Responsibility – to play our full part in reducing health inequalities within Humber and North Yorkshire, and to optimise our impact as Anchor Institutions and a major employer in the communities we serve.

Working together, we lead programmes of work across Humber and North Yorkshire. These include:


To find out more about our work, please access our publications below

Humber and North Yorkshire Collaboration of Acute Providers (CAP) Annual Report 2023/2024

The Collaboration of Acute Providers brings together all four NHS Trusts that deliver acute services in Humber and North Yorkshire, pooling our expertise in an unprecedented way.

Over the last twelve months all four CAP Trusts have worked together to strengthen partnership and governance arrangements and to identify opportunities to do things together ‘once and at scale’. This report provides an
overview of the work of the collaborative during 2023/24. This builds on a history of collaborative working at
sub system level across Humber and North Yorkshire and York as well as builds on the success of working
together across Humber and North Yorkshire during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our four Trusts work together through the CAP, recognising that we are stronger together and that the
challenges we face cannot be addressed by one Trust alone.

Decorative image showing the cover of a report document.

By focusing our collective efforts and resources we can address health inequalities and seek to deliver our services together in the most effective and efficient way. The report can be found here

Featured Programmes

To view all of our programmes click here.

We want to create more efficient hospital-based services for people who need them, making the best use of the resources and workforce across our system to plan and deliver hospital care.

We want to help more people to survive cancer and support people in our region to live well with and beyond cancer.

We aim to ensure that people in our region are able to access advice, care and support in an urgent or emergency situation.

Working together to improve elective (planned) care locally is a key priority for the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.

We want to create more efficient hospital-based services for people who need them, making the best use of the resources and workforce across our system to plan and deliver hospital care.

Climate change poses the most significant long-term threat to our health, not to mention our planet. The Greener NHS programme will work with staff, hospitals and our partners.