Our Work
Our vision is extremely ambitious and will not be achieved overnight. We have identified priority areas to focus on over the next three years to deliver the vision we have set out.
Our workstreams
Our vision is extremely ambitious, to deliver this we have we have identified priority areas to focus on over the next three years.
Children and Young People’s Alliance
The Children and Young People’s Alliance brings together representatives from across the partnership, including health, education, social care, public health and the voluntary sector.
Climate Change and Sustainability
Climate change poses the most significant long-term threat to our health, not to mention our planet. The Greener NHS programme will work with staff, hospitals and our partners.
Elective Recovery (CAP)
We want to help more people to survive cancer and support people in our region to live well with and beyond cancer.
Hospital Services
We want to create more efficient hospital-based services for people who need them, making the best use of the resources and workforce across our system to plan and deliver hospital care.
Humber and North Yorkshire Collaboration of Acute Providers (CAP)
We want to help more people to survive cancer and support people in our region to live well with and beyond cancer.
Improvement: IRIS
We want to help more people to survive cancer and support people in our region to live well with and beyond cancer.
Innovation: IRIS
We want to help more people to survive cancer and support people in our region to live well with and beyond cancer.
Learning Disabilities and SEND
We want people of all ages who experience mental health problems, have learning disabilities and/or Autism to live healthy lives, be able to achieve their goals and be accepted and supported in the communities they live in.
Mental Health
We want people of all ages who experience mental health problems, have learning disabilities and/or Autism to live healthy lives, be able to achieve their goals and be accepted and supported in the communities they live in.
Planned Care
Working together to improve elective (planned) care locally is a key priority for the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.
Research: IRIS
We want to help more people to survive cancer and support people in our region to live well with and beyond cancer.
System: IRIS
We want to help more people to survive cancer and support people in our region to live well with and beyond cancer.
Tobacco Dependency Treatment Programme
Tobacco Dependency Treatment Programme Smoking tobacco remains the leading cause of preventable death, disability, illness,…
Urgent and Emergency Care
We aim to ensure that people in our region are able to access advice, care and support in an urgent or emergency situation.
Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise
The VCSE sector is an important partner for statutory health and social care organisations and plays a key role in improving health and care outcomes for its communities
Whole System Reward and Recognition
We want people of all ages who experience mental health problems, have learning disabilities and/or Autism to live healthy lives, be able to achieve their goals and be accepted and supported in the communities they live in.
Women Living Well Longer Programme
We want to create more efficient hospital-based services for people who need them, making the best use of the resources and workforce across our system to plan and deliver hospital care.
Making the Change Happen
Allied Health Professionals Faculty
Primary Care Workforce Development is a priority for the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.
Digital Technology
Digital technology and innovation can help us to transform the way we provide health and care and offer new ways to support people to stay well.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is known by its shorthand of ‘EDI’ across NHS organisations, and may just be called ‘inclusion’ or ‘equality’ in local authority and social care settings.
Health Equity Fellowship
Digital technology and innovation can help us to transform the way we provide health and care and offer new ways to support people to stay well.
Innovation, Research and Improvement System (IRIS)
Innovation, research and improvement are essential elements of a thriving health and social care system.