Avoiding misinformation

The internet offers millions of facts, opinions, and views at the touch of a button. Knowing if information is authentic, reliable and evidenced based can be difficult.

When it comes to our health and wellbeing authenticity is key. Make sure you are getting information about vaccines from sources based on scientific evidence and data.

These tips can help you to ensure you are getting your information from trustworthy sources and avoid misinformation:

  1. Check where the information has come from. Ask yourself who is the author and what are their credentials? Are they qualified in the subject area or do they have proven specialist knowledge? The answers to these questions will help you establish the legitimacy of the information.
  2. Scrutinise, scrutinise, scrutinise. Misinformation isn’t always completely false. Misleading use of data and out-of-context quotes can be used to create sensationalist social media stories. Scrutinise and fact check information against the original source.
  3. Beware the echo chamber. Social media uses algorithms to show users content which they are most likely to interact with. This can lead to an echo chamber where the only information presented to you is that which you already engage with. Look outside of social media to widen your views and understanding.
  4. Create a trusted resources list. Having a list of websites or resources which you are confident in will help you to quickly assess information. Use these websites to verify information you’re not sure about, before believing it is the truth.

Unsure if you’re at-risk?

If you think you are in an at-risk category but are not sure if you have had all the vaccines you need, contact your GP practice online, to discuss your individual care needs.