Myth busters

Surely one dose of a vaccine is enough, why do I need multiple doses?”
Some vaccines require multiple doses to allow the body to learn how to fight the disease or virus. An in-depth look at this process is available here.
Do I need to have had all doses of a vaccine for it to work?
Each vaccination is developed specifically to combat a particular disease or virus. Some vaccination courses may be shorter or longer than others. Although one vaccine will offer some protection, the only way to become fully protected is by completing the full course.
I’ve read information that disputes vaccine safety – how can I be sure if this is reliable?
It is important to make sure the information you read about vaccines is evidence based. Read more about looking out for misinformation and finding reliable sources here.
I’ve read that MMR is linked to autism, is that true?
There have been multiple studies undertaken to investigate the MMR vaccine and autism. There is no evidence of a link. The original study which suggested this has been discredited. Read more here.
Why is my son being offered an HPV vaccine, isn’t that just for girls?
HPV is linked to several cancers and related conditions. Evidence shows the vaccine helps protect from HPV related conditions. Despite being known as the ‘cervical cancer jab’ HPV can affect boys as well as girls. It has been offered to boys since 2019. Read more about HPV here.
My child is home-schooled – does that mean they’re not entitled to school vaccines?
All children are entitled to all vaccinations in the NHS vaccination schedule. Your local in-school vaccine provider will contact you to arrange your child’s vaccinations. If you think your child has missed a vaccination, contact their health visitor or GP (age depending) to arrange a catch up.
Do I need a tetanus vaccine after an injury or animal bite?”
The full course of tetanus vaccines consists of 5 doses. This gives long-term protection from tetanus. If your tetanus vaccinations are not up to date, you may require a booster vaccine if an injury has broken your skin. Read more here.
Flu vaccines
I’m not medically vulnerable – flu won’t affect me that badly
The elderly and people with underlying health conditions are at higher risk for severe illness from flu. Getting vaccinated is the best protection to reduce your risk of severe illness from flu.
I’ve had the flu vaccine before – I don’t need it again.
The flu virus changes each year which means the latest vaccine is needed each year to offer the best protection. Southern Hemisphere flu season informs our flu season. We use this to learn which virus is circulating and how best to protect our population.
The flu vaccine makes me ill – I’m really unwell the next day.
Think of the vaccine like a seatbelt – it might not stop you getting into an accident, but it lowers the risk of severe injury. The flu vaccine reduces the likelihood of infection, and the likelihood of severe illness or death from infection.
I’ve not encountered flu before; it can’t be that bad?”
Flu is caused by influenza viruses which circulate in all parts of the world. Anyone can get the flu. Different countries see higher levels of flu illness at different times of the year. In the UK, flu illness is highest over winter. This is why it is called a ‘winter bug’.
I don’t need the flu vaccine. I’ll be fine.
The flu vaccine is the best to way to protect yourself and those around you from flu. Getting the vaccine can help protect you and your family from getting flu. It also helps to protect your local community and the local NHS.
There are too many vaccines – I don’t need another one
Each vaccine is to help prepare your immune response to fight infection. Think of each vaccine (or booster) as an extra layer – wearing your hat, gloves and scarf in the cold rather than just a t-shirt.

Unsure if you’re vaccinated?
If you are not sure if you have had all your vaccines submit an online request with your GP practice to ask. Your GP practice will identify missing vaccinations and schedule a catch-up if needed.