Our Partnership is bringing the local NHS, councils and communities closer together – details of public meetings can be found here.
Our Partnership brings together the local NHS, councils and communities closer together.
As a Partnership we operate as a statutory committee focussing more widely on health, public health and social care. Our Partnership includes representatives from the NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB), local authorities and other partners such as NHS providers, public health, social care, and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations.
The partnership is responsible for an integrated care strategy, setting out how the wider health and wellbeing needs of the local population will be met.
Our intention is to extend the responsibilities of the Humber and North Yorkshire ICP to reflect the core aims of the ICS, including improving our population’s health, address inequalities, and contribute to the wider socio-economic challenges we face, such as unemployment and securing inward investment.
Click here to find out more on the structure of our ICS.
Our next meeting
The next meeting of the Integrated Care Partnership will be held on Wednesday 26 March from 2pm – 4pm.
Click here to access the agenda.
Click here to join the live stream of the meeting. Please be aware, due to the technological restraints any members of the public who join will have their display name recorded.
Previous meetings
The agendas and papers from previous meetings can be found below: