Five hands on a table of different ethnic backgrounds to depict diversity in out communities

Our diverse communities

Our diverse communities provide our greatest asset, our people.

Humber and North Yorkshire

Our diverse communities provide our greatest asset, our people.

Our 1.08 million hectares, the equivalent to over 2 million football pitches, are home to 1.7 million people living in small rural communities, the more concentrated urban areas of our towns and cities, including Hull and York, and along a coastline of 297km (185 miles).

Whilst there is much to enjoy about living in the Humber and North Yorkshire, there are also challenges:

  • More than 200,000 people are living in poverty, with more than 60,000 children living in low income families.
  • More than 2,400 people each year die from causes considered preventable.
  • The number of years a person can expect to live in good health varies significantly between communities.
  • The proportion of our population over 75 is rapidly increasing, with proportionally fewer children and people of working age forecasted.

The reasons behind these differences are as complex and as multi-layered as each person that lives in our communities.


Image of Areas of deprivation across Humber and North Yorkshire
Image with demographics in relation to population. Ethnicity. Deprivation and life expectancy across Humber and North Yorkshire.

Useful documents

Our Integrated Strategy for Wellbeing, Health and Care

The NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board Annual Report and Accounts for the period covering 1 July 2022 to 31 March 2023 can be found here.

What is the Partnership?

Person sitting at computer desk

Find out about the Partnership

Our Leaders and Structure

People talking over a table

Find out about our leaders and structure