Primary Care Networks
Primary Care Networks build on the services offered by GP practices; meaning patients can benefit from more proactive, personalised and coordinated health and social care.
What are Primary Care Networks?
Since the NHS was created in 1948, the population has grown and people are living longer. Many people are living with long term conditions such as diabetes and heart disease, or suffer with mental health issues and therefore may need to access local health services more often.
To meet these needs, GP practices have begun working together and with community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and voluntary services in their local areas as part of Primary Care Networks (also known as PCNs).
PCNs build on the services ordinarily offered by GP practices, meaning patients can benefit from more proactive, personalised and coordinated health and social care.
From 1 July 2019, all the practices within East Riding of Yorkshire came together and developed seven PCNs. These are based on their registered list and are detailed below.
Each network has appointed to the role of Clinical Director (two networks have this has a shared-role between two people). The Clinical Directors are General Practitioners.
For more detailed population information on each of the East Riding Primary Care Networks click here
- Beverley
- If you are registered with one of these practices, you are part of this network. Here is a list of the practices that form the Beverley PCN:
- Bridlington
- If you are registered with one of these practices, you are part of this network. Here is a list of the practices that form the Bridlington PCN
- Cygnet
- If you are registered with one of these practices, you are part of this network. Here is a list of the practices that form the Cygnet PCN:
- Harthill
- If you are registered with one of these practices, you are part of this network. Here is a list of the practices that form the Harthill PCN:
- Holderness
- Holderness Health, a single GP practice group forms the Holderness Primary Care Network. If you are registered with Holderness Health, you are part of this network.
- River and Wolds
- If you are registered with one of these practices, you are part of this network. Here is a list of the practices that form the River and Wolds PCN:
- Yorkshire Coast and Wolds
- If you are registered with one of these practices, you are part of this network. Here is a list of the practices that form the Yorkshire Coast and Wolds PCN:
Optometry (minor eye conditions)
Without the need for a GP referral, to patients over the age of 3 registered with an ER GP Practice who present with the following conditions:
- Dry eye (lasting longer than 2 weeks after seeing a pharmacist and trying home treatments)
- Red eye with pain
- Photophobia
- Painful eye
- Flashes and new floaters
- Blurry vision
- Diplopia
- Distorted vision
- Sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes although not TOTAL Loss of vision please go to Emergency Department (A&E)
- Symptomatic field loss
- Flashes and floaters
- Ingrowing eyelash(es)
- Non-penetrating foreign body
Children should be seen with their parent or guardian and under 3s will be advised to see their GP Practice.
Further information
Pharmacy First information – NHS England » Pharmacy First
Find a Pharmacy – Find Pharmacy Services – NHS (
111 online – Get help for your symptoms – NHS 111
NHS App information NHS App and your NHS account – NHS (
Access your GP record – View your GP health record – NHS (
How to register with a GP – How to register with a GP surgery – NHS (
Lets Get Better GP Practice roles information GP Team – Let’s Get Better (
NHS England info – NHS England — North East and Yorkshire » Meet your General Practice Team
GP Patient Survey information – GP Patient Survey (
Find a GP – Find a GP – NHS (
Friends and Family Test – Friends and Family Test (FFT) – NHS (
Patient Access – Patient Access – GP appointments & prescriptions online
NHS Cancer screening – NHS England » Screening and earlier diagnosis
NHS Vaccination – Vaccinations – NHS (