Centre of Excellence launched to transform health and care of older residents

The local NHS has announced that it is launching a Centre of Excellence for Frailty to support the health and care of older residents across Humber and North Yorkshire.

It will build on the pioneering work of the Jean Bishop Integrated Care Centre in Hull – along with other providers in the region – which has transformed the lives of older people by helping them avoid hospital stays and maintain their independence.

By promoting the sharing of clinical expertise and best practice throughout Humber and North Yorkshire, the Centre will encourage a standardised approach to the prevention, identification and management of frailty. This ensures that older people in the region will receive consistent, high-quality care and treatment regardless of their location.

The Centre of Excellence for Frailty has been a priority for the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership which recognises that the ageing population will continue to grow as people live longer. Acting now to establish the foundations for a healthier future means the region is on the front foot and driving change for the care of its communities.

A powerful film has been released to mark the launch, highlighting the importance of the Centre of Excellence to the region and its older population.

Sue Symington, Chair of Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, said: “I am delighted to be launching the Centre of Excellence for Frailty, building on the incredible work that has already taken place across our region.

“We recognise that people are living longer than ever before, which is a testament to the progress of modern science and healthcare – including the NHS. However, this new longevity also brings new challenges.

“At the heart of our mission is a commitment to enabling people to lead healthy and independent lives for as long as possible. This Centre means we can raise the bar for how we care for our older population.”

Yvonne Elliott, Director of Community and Care Collaborative, said: “This is a significant step forward for our region which will enable us to drive change and improve how we care for our communities.

“The Centre of Excellence for Frailty will enable us to provide clinical leadership and expertise across Humber and North Yorkshire, as well as training and support for our colleagues. It will also allow us to undertake research and cascade best practice, having an impact that can go beyond our region.”

Dr Dan Harman, Consultant Community Geriatrician at City Health Care Partnership CIC, said: “We know that taking a holistic approach to the health and care of older people works. Our ambition now is to consider the needs of all our communities and create a consistent approach to the health and wellbeing of older people.

“The work at the Jean Bishop Integrated Care Centre has already had measurable outcomes, which includes a reduction in emergency hospital attendances and admissions for people living with frailty.

“The Centre of Excellence for Frailty gives us the opportunity to bring together colleagues from across our health and care system, working collectively to meet the needs of our communities in Humber and North Yorkshire.

A number of principles have already been developed for the Centre of Excellence which are fundamental to delivering an integrated care model for people living with frailty. By acting on these principles, the Centre can establish a workforce that is focused on frailty and can deliver improved care.

Across Humber and North Yorkshire, there is a higher percentage of people aged over 65 than the national average. The ageing population is continuing to grow, and there has already been an increase in the number of people living with frailty.

Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership is committed to ensuring that people live healthy and independent lives for as long as possible. Working collectively, the Partnership is working to put in place the building blocks for a healthier future.

The announcement was made at the Annual General Meeting of NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) on 10 July 2024. More information about the Annual General Meeting is available on the ICB website.