Inclusive Language Guidance

Download the HNY Inclusive Language Guidance

We are committed to ensuring and encouraging genuine belonging for people working across health and social care in Humber and North Yorkshire (HNY). When we can be ourselves at work, the quality of the care we provide for local people increases.

The language we use is incredibly powerful.

“Language does not just describe the reality; language creates the reality.”

Bishop Desmond Tutu

Inclusive language teaches us to value other people for who they are. To be sensitive towards other people and be respectful.

It is about being aware of the language we use and the impact it may have on others, rather than just using a list of acceptable words.

About the HNY Inclusive Language Guidance

The HNY Inclusive Language Guidance has been co-developed in partnership with a diverse group of colleagues from minoritised groups across health and care to increase confidence when using inclusive language about a range of topics.

It provides an overview and a starting point for learning about the diversity of those around us and will be continually reviewed as language changes.

Using this guide does not limit you to a particular way of communicating, there is an understanding that there isn’t always one correct term to use – there are usually various ways of expressing our view of ourselves.

It is a starting point on your journey to understand the power of inclusive language, so we can ensure all people – whether patients, service users or colleagues – can feel safe and welcome here.

Download the HNY Inclusive Language Guidance

This page was updated on Tuesday 6 August 2024 (incorporating version 1.4 of the guidance).