NHS 75
In 2023, the NHS marked 75 years of service. We celebrated this milestone by showcasing the best of the NHS.
Treating over a million people a day in England, the NHS touches all of our lives. When it was founded in 1948, the NHS was the first universal health system to be available to all, free at the point of delivery. Today, nine in 10 people agree that healthcare should be free of charge, more than four in five agree that care should be available to everyone, and that the NHS makes them most proud to be British.
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NHS@75 – Engagement to shape the future
Such a significant moment in history provided the ideal opportunity to reflect on the importance of the healthcare services which our NHS provides, whilst acknowledging the challenges it faces and looking at how it will develop over the coming years.
The NHS@75 project was launched in Spring 2023 by the NHS Assembly, to help shape the future of the NHS through a collaborative conversation with the people it touches. The NHS Assembly brings together individuals from across health and care to provide advice to NHS England’s board.
We shaped our conversations around three key questions: How far has the NHS come in 75 years? Where is it now? What would you like from it in the future? To name a few, we had these discussions with GPs, local authority colleagues, Public Health leads, public networks and the voluntary sector.
NHS 75 News and Blogs