Jargon Buster
Let us unravel some of the language used within the health and social care environment.
Adult social care
Adult social care is supporting older people or those adults living with disability or physical or mental illness, to live independently and stay safe and well, generally in their own homes.
Assets-based approach
Looking at what resources there are locally to help people improve their health and care. Using people’s skills, listening to what they need and looking at what’s available to help them. Involving people in identifying what will help to improve their health and wellbeing.
Care pathways
The care and treatment a person receives from start to finish for a particular illness or condition. This usually includes several parts of the health service and social care. For example, a care pathway can involve support from a GP, a specialist doctor, home care and a district nurse.
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
CCG stands for clinical commissioning group. These are made up of groups of GPs, who work together in their local area to commission the best services for their patients and the population they work in. CCGs are responsible for about 60 per cent of the NHS budget. However, their role will end in 2022 and their functions will be delivered by the new integrated care boards.
Commissioning is the way an organisation (the commissioner) can look at what services are needed. For example, to treat the health needs are of the people in the local area, and then create a process to ask other organisations, such as hospitals and mental health trusts (providers) to deliver the services that the people need. From 2022, the health commissioners in each area will be the integrated care board.
The organisation in charge of commissioning or deciding which services are required, and then asking other organisations to deliver them (see “Commissioning”)
Community health services
Community health services provide a wide range of care, from supporting patients to manage long-term conditions, to treating those who are seriously ill with complex conditions. Most community healthcare takes place in people’s homes. Teams of nurses and therapists coordinate care, working with professions including GPs and social care.
Continuity of care
Whether a patient goes to a doctor, the hospital or has care within their home, it’s important that the same standard of care is experienced and all the organisations involved in that care know what is happening. A persons care experience should be positive. Sometime we refer to this as ‘continuing health care’ (CHC).
Health and wellbeing boards (HWB)
HWBs are a statutory forum where political, clinical, professional and community leaders from across the care and health system come together to improve the health and wellbeing of their local population and reduce health inequalities. They have been running since 2013 and are part of local health and care partnerships and also part of the new integrated care systems, working at place level.
Health inequalities
Health inequalities are the unjust and avoidable differences in people’s health across the population and between specific population groups.
Health promotion
These are campaigns to help improve everyone’s health and reduce health inequalities. Health promotion aims to help people take control of their own health and make it better, examples include breastfeeding support, exercise programmes and nutrition help.
Health and care bill
The bill is currently going through parliament and lays out the ways that the health and care services need to change to work better in the future. If it is approved by parliament and then given Royal Assent it will become law, becoming the Health and Care Act (2022), and will create the constituent parts of integrated care systems – integrated care boards and integrated care partnerships. It was developed because there was a recognised need in the NHS that things need to change.
Humber and North Yorkshire (HNY)
HNY stands for Humber & North Yorkshire. This is the area/regions that the Integrated Care System (ICS) covers.
Integrated care
Traditionally, some health and care organisations have tended to work independently, and people often have lots of different needs. Integrated care is a way of getting health and care organisations including hospitals, GPs, councils, and voluntary organisations, to work together in a way that better supports people. It has been happening successfully in some areas for a long time, and the health and care bill makes it official.
Integrated care system (ICS)
This is a body that brings together the health and care organisations in a particular local area, to work together more closely. There are 42 ICSs across England, and they will be formally established as legal entities in 2022, subject to legislation being agreed by parliament. Many health and care organisations have already been working in this integrated way successfully, particularly through the pandemic, and statutory footing represents the next step in recognising this success. Each integrated care system will be responsible for planning health and care services in the area it covers. Each one will be made up of an integrated care board and an integrated care partnership (this is our Partnership Board), which will work in tandem to meet the needs of their population.
Humber and North Yorkshire Heath and Care Partnership is an integrated care system.
Joined-up working
Health and care services working together to better support a patient, making sure that everyone involved in a patient’s care, from their GP to their nurse, from the hospital to their care worker, knows and understands the patient’s needs and what care they are receiving.
NHS Long Term Plan
This is a plan for the future of the NHS, written using feedback from staff and patients. It includes many of the changes which have been included in the health and care bill. You can read more details about the plan on the NHS England and NHS Improvement website.
Patient pathways
A patient pathway is the same as a care pathway. It is the experience a patient has from initial diagnosis through to different treatments for the duration of their condition.
This is the next level within the new integrated care systems and sits above neighbourhood. A place will usually include around 250 to 500,000 people (although this will vary) and will be made up of place-based partnerships between the council-run health and wellbeing boards and all the health and care organisations that sit within that place area, such as the hospitals, care providers and voluntary groups and. Each place will look at the health needs of the population it covers, and make sure those needs are met locally.
Place-based working
This is the new way of working set out as part of integrated care systems. It involves bringing together all the health and care organisations that sit within that place area, such as the hospitals, councils, care providers and voluntary groups, to work together as local partners. Their knowledge of the local people’s needs means all these organisations can work together to make sure health and care services meet the needs of the people who live there.
Prevention involves working to improve people’s lifestyles to try to prevent ill health from happening in the future. For example, stop-smoking campaigns to prevent cancer cases, or weight management programmes to prevent obesity-related problems.
This is the system the NHS uses to buy the goods and services it needs to run properly, such as bandages, hospital beds and cleaning services. It makes sure the money is being spent effectively.
Primary care
This is the first level of care people access before going to a hospital. It includes GPs, dentists, opticians, pharmacists, community health teams and mental health community teams, as well as social care. Hospital care is considered to be secondary care.
Primary care networks (PCNs)
PCNs are groups of GP practices that work with each other and with community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and voluntary services in their local areas. They are led by a clinical director who may be a GP, general practice nurse, clinical pharmacist or other clinical profession working in general practice.
Population health
Population health means looking at all the information about a particular population to see what things are affecting health. For example, poverty, poor housing, obesity levels, and access to health services. There are many things that can lead to poor health, which is why it’s important for councils and health services to work together. Integrated care systems will be tasked with improving the population health of the area they serve.
In the NHS, a provider is the name given to an organisation that provides health services. For example, hospitals, mental health trusts, and ambulance services are all called providers.
Provider collaborative
Provider collaboratives are provider organisations working together as part of the new integrated care system, to make sure they are delivering care in the best way possible for the people who live in their area. Providers often deliver similar services, so it makes sense for them to work together to ensure they aren’t both doing the same thing. For example, they could work together to provide a joint cancer service. This can make it easier for patients and can save money. Provider collaboratives can vary in the depth of integration, from a loose collaboration of healthcare providers who meet regularly to plan services in a joined-up way, to a more formal integration of legal governance.
Public health
Public health is usually run by a local council, and includes running health programmes that help to improve the health of everyone living in the local area, such as encouraging exercise, healthy eating and weight management. It includes work on wider issues affecting public health, such as poor housing or poverty.
Secondary care
This is the term for care given in hospitals such as surgery or emergency healthcare. All care given by hospitals is secondary care. Primary care is care given by GPs and community services.
Statutory requirement
These are legal requirements that all health and care organisations need to meet. For example, there is a statutory requirement for all ICSs to have an integrated care board in place from July 2022.
Statutory responsibilities
These are responsibilities that have been laid down in law, and must be carried out by a health or care organisation. For example, from July 2022 all ICSs will have a statutory responsibility to deliver health and care services in their area.
This is the principle that decisions should be made as close to a local level as possible, rather than made at the top and then followed.
System working
System working is the description used for how integrated care systems will be working from July 2022. It’s about health and care services working together in a particular area, to make things work better for patients.
Third sector
This refers to organisations that are not profit-making businesses and are not public bodies such as councils, or the NHS, so it generally means charities and voluntary organisations. Anything that is not private sector, or public sector is considered third sector.
Voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE)
These are normally organisations that are connected to health and social care, delivering vital services into communities to improve people’s wellbeing.