Get Involved
The views and ideas of our local populations are taken into account when new ways of delivering services are being proposed.
Get Involved
When the ICB launched in July 2022, it adopted its Engagement Strategy – ‘Working with People and Communities’, which outlines our approach to involving local communities in the planning and delivery of health and care services across the Humber and North Yorkshire region.
- Legislation – Health & Care Bill 2022; Equality Act 2010
- The NHS Constitution – this sets out the rights for patients, public, and staff – including the right to be involved in decisions about services the NHS runs or pays for.
- National Guidance from NHS England and the Government
- Integrated Care System guidelines
Involvement is not one size fits all and we are committed to ensuring conversations happen with local people about issues which are important to them, in a way that supports and empowers them. We will aim for conversations to be as inclusive as possible, and this will include working closely with voluntary, community, and social enterprise partners as well as local Healthwatch organisations.
We will also work with people and communities to co-design the way we involve you in our processes to ensure that everyone who wants to can have a voice, and that these are at the centre of decision-making and governance, at every level of the health and care partnership.
Engagement will develop on a case-by-case basis to meet the needs of the project or proposal. Sometimes this will occur across all six places which make up Humber and North Yorkshire, and sometimes engagement will be exclusively within place. Which model is most appropriate will be determined by what best meets the needs of each engagement objectives.
Humber and North Yorkshire consists of 6 individual ‘places’: East Riding, Hull, North East Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire, North Yorkshire, and York. Each of these have their own membership schemes which allow people who reside in or access health and care services in those areas, to be more involved in having their say. You can find out more about our membership schemes, and the opportunities to get involved in each of our places, by clicking on the relevant link below.

Engaging with our communities
Our plans and projects will only be successful if they are informed by the needs, wants and desires of the local people they seek to serve.
We are committed to involving local people as far as possible in the work that we are doing. We will strive to be as open and transparent as possible in all that we do.

How to get involved
We want to hear your views and ideas about how we should tackle the challenges our health and care system faces. As we develop our plans and ideas there will be different opportunities for you to help shape the future of local services by asking questions, making suggestions and sharing your ideas.
Check out our Engagement Hub for the latest opportunities to get involved.
If you are interested in finding out more, want to share feedback or ask a question, please contact us using the online contact form.

Engagement Approach 2024 – 2028
Working with People and Communities
This plan was developed in collaboration with all the partners that make up the Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care System, including engagement and patient experience professionals, people from voluntary and community groups, Healthwatch, as well as
patients and members of the public.
This plan was approved by the Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board on
9 October, 2024 and will be reviewed in 2028 – in line with the Joint Forward Plan.
Our original plan was launched in July 2022. We have refreshed this as we felt two years into our life as an organisation we are in a stronger position to identify meaningful aims and ambitions for the longer term.
We believe in keeping our patients and public informed about the latest local health and social care developments.
To read the document click here
Current opportunities to have your say

Catterick Integrated Care Campus (CICC)
Since 2015, the NHS and Ministry of Defence (MOD) have been working together on plans to enhance the range of health and care services for Catterick Garrison and the wider Richmondshire area.
The new facility aims to give military and Richmondshire residents access to the right care, at the right time, in the right setting, delivered by the right professionals to enhance their wellbeing and independence, and improve their overall quality of life.
Find out more on the dedicated Catterick Integrated Care Campus page.

Health and care services in Bridlington
NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, Bridlington Health Forum, The Hinge Centre, Smile Foundation and representatives from NHS trusts came together to coproduce a survey to understand the public’s views better.
The collaborative survey will ultimately shape the strategy for the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.
Bridlington residents were encouraged to participate in the survey to share their views on improving local health and care services and the town’s general wellbeing.
Previous Opportunities

Local urgent care services
The GP Walk-in centre has now successfully moved to its new home at Hull Royal Infirmary and will be an Urgent Treatment Centre from April 2024. Thank you to everyone who gave their views during our engagement in 2023. Please see the engagement report below.