Let’s stay well this Spring
We want to ensure that all residents have the right information and support they need to stay healthy. This page provides you with useful information and to signpost to all the services available.
Stay well during the bank holidays this Spring
It’s important that you know how to get help if needed during the bank holidays. Preparing in advance is a good idea. Make sure that you’ve got enough prescription medication left, and try to follow the advice below to keep yourself well.
Check your medicine cabinet
Find out what you should be keeping in your home medicine cabinet.
Check your repeat prescriptions
Order any repeat prescriptions you require in time to ensure you have adequate provision over the bank holiday. GP practices usually require 48 hours’ notice to organise a repeat prescription. You can also order your repeat prescriptions via the NHS App. The NHS App is available on the App Store and on Google Play.
Ask for help from experts at your local pharmacy
Pharmacists are trained medical professionals and can often help you with advice and over the counter medicine for minor ailments and illnesses. SOme pharmacies open on bank holidays. Check the opening times of your local pharmacy here.
GP practices
GP practice services will largely be closed on bank holidays. If you need medical advice, please contact NHS 111 through their online service.
NHS 111 can help
NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and can be accessed online or by phone. If you are unsure which service you need, or want to speak to a trained expert, then call 111 or go online at 111.nhs.uk.
If you are in a life-threatening situation
Please remember that if you have a medical emergency, such as a suspected heart attack, stroke, or other serious life-threatening condition, to call 999.
Get more support to help you and your family stay well at www.letsgetbetter.co.uk.