Person looking through microscope in a laboratory depicting cancer testing and screening


We want to help more people to survive cancer and support people in our region to live well with and beyond cancer.

Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance

Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance, which is a directorate in Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, is one of 21 cancer alliances in England.

It is made up of various NHS organisations; voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations; and patients and members of the public.

The HNY Cancer Alliance brings together organisations which pay for and provide cancer services to transform the diagnosis, treatment and care for cancer patients in Humber and North Yorkshire.

The NHS Long Term Plan, which was published in 2019, set out ambitious targets for cancer in England.The two key ambitions are:

  • By 2028, the number of cancers caught early (stage one or two) will rise from around half to three-quarters (75%) of cancer patients
  • By 2028, 55,000 more people each year will survive their cancer for five years or more

To achieve this nationally the NHS is improving screening programmes, giving people faster access to diagnostic tests, investing in new treatments and technologies, and making sure more patients can quickly benefit from precise, highly personalised treatments. HNY Cancer Alliance is working hard to deliver on these targets, as well as many more, through its workstreams:

  • Awareness and Early Diagnosis (including Lung Cancer Screening programme and the Cancer Champions programme)
  • Cancer Diagnostics and Innovation
  • Treatment, Pathways and Personalised Care
  • Nursing and Allied Health Professionals Workforce
  • Non-Surgical Oncology Workforce
  • Health Inequalities
  • Communications and Engagement

Click here to find out more about the Cancer Alliance and its work.

Featured Programmes

To view all of our programmes click here.

We want to create more efficient hospital-based services for people who need them, making the best use of the resources and workforce across our system to plan and deliver hospital care.

We want to help more people to survive cancer and support people in our region to live well with and beyond cancer.

We aim to ensure that people in our region are able to access advice, care and support in an urgent or emergency situation.

Working together to improve elective (planned) care locally is a key priority for the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.

We want to create more efficient hospital-based services for people who need them, making the best use of the resources and workforce across our system to plan and deliver hospital care.

Climate change poses the most significant long-term threat to our health, not to mention our planet. The Greener NHS programme will work with staff, hospitals and our partners.