Children and Young People’s Alliance
The Children and Young People’s Alliance brings together representatives from across the partnership, including health, education, social care, public health and the voluntary sector.

Our Priorities and Programmes
Our Priorities
Our programme is guided by NHS England and NHS Improvement’s Children and Young People’s transformation programme, which has identified key national priorities in relation to children and young people. Learn more about our priorities.
The Children and Young People’s Alliance will then, through local data analysis, be able to determine where our priorities are and where we need to focus action
Planning and activities
We have agreed five key principles to focus planning and activity:
- We will lobby and pioneer for children, young people and their families by ensuring their voice is heard and represented in all that we do.
- We will build an integrated system which works for children, young people and their families to improve quality and experience of care and support.
- We will reduce the duplication and overlap of workstreams/programmes to provide clarity.
- We will describe outcomes and impact in all that we do.
- We will prioritise reducing inequalities.
Alliance Framework
The Children and Young People’s Alliance has agreed the governance framework through which it will deliver the programme. It will bring together existing relevant national and regional networks to support delivery of the outcomes.
Our priorities
Current active priorities include reviewing population health data, developing the engagement strategy and improving outcomes for children and young people with long-term conditions (asthma, diabetes and epilepsy).
There is also a schedule of detailed enquiries planned, including out of hospital/care in the community, special educational needs and disabilities, children’s end of life and palliative care, neurodiversity, early support and transition into adult services.
The Children and Young People’s Alliance also links closely other work programmes, such as mental health and maternity to strengthen collaboration and avoid duplicity.

Contact us
If you would like to know more, please contact Programme Manager karen.mcnicholas3@nhs.net or Project Support Officer karen.nickerson@nhs.net