BadgerNet Maternity
BadgerNet Maternity is an electronic system aimed at giving mothers more control of their pregnancy records and care notes.

BadgerNet Maternity Notes
Health care providers across the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership are now using BadgerNet Maternity – an electronic system aimed at giving mothers more control of their pregnancy records and care notes.
What is BadgerNet Maternity Notes?
Badger Notes is an online portal and app that allows you to access your maternity records over the internet through your PC, tablet device or mobile phone.
The information you view is generated in real-time from the hospital-based maternity system, using details entered by your midwife or other health professionals involved in your care.
What are the benefits?
Badger Notes will be replacing the old green book handheld notes. There are benefits to using Badger Notes, over paper notes, such as:
- Information is shared with you directly from the maternity system
- Records are updated at each maternity visit or appointment
- Midwives do not have to double enter data onto paper handheld notes
- Only those with the correct login details can access the notes.
You can add information on:
- Yourself, such as your occupation and any allergies. This is discussed with your midwife at your booking appointment
- Your plans and preferences for birth
- Feedback regarding your antenatal care, labour, and birth experiences.
How secure is it?
- All information held is secure and cannot be accessed without the correct login details (like internet banking)
- Badger Notes is powered by BadgerNet, the same secure platform used by healthcare professionals involved in your maternity care.
How to access Badger Notes
- To access the service on your iPhone, please search for the Badger Notes app in the iTunes app store and download. Once downloaded, tap on the icon in your home screen to open.
- To access the service on your smartphone, please search for the Badger Notes app in the Google Play Store and download.
- Once downloaded, tap on the icon in your home screen to open.
Using a PC or tablet
- Your midwife will provide you with a security phrase and record your contact details, including your mobile phone number and email address.
- You can log in to the Badger Notes website by navigating to or clicking this link: badgernotes.net.
- After entering your email address and security phrase, the system will ask for a confirmation code. This will be texted to you.
- If using a tablet device, after entering your confirmation code you will need to set a PIN code.
- You are ready to view your records.
Paper notes will still be provided for those who are unable to access their notes via the app. The Maternity service is committed to making the most of digital services to enhance care, but also to ensuring that it remains inclusive and available to all.
For more information, please speak to your midwife.