UK Disability History Month 2023

Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership is proud to mark UK Disability History Month (UKDHM) 2023.

This page provides useful links and resources for disabled colleagues and allies working across our health and care partnership.

About UKDHM 2023

UKDHM takes place from Thursday 16 November to Saturday 16 December 2023 and provides a platform to focus on the history of the struggle disabled people continue to face for equality and human rights.

The theme for the 2023 UKDHM was around the experiences of disabled children and young people in the past, in the present day and in the future. There are 16m disabled people in the UK and 11% of children are disabled. Though 80% of adults become disabled people while at working age, for some this figure hides delayed diagnoses or hidden conditions from childhood.

Disability Futures

UKDHM takes place once a year, but we know that the barriers and discrimination disabled colleagues can face are not restricted to a one-month period. We wanted to find a way to ensure the important conversations we started as a system during UKDHM could continue throughout the year.

Visit our Disability Futures page to find out more about how we’re ensuring a continuing, year-round focus on the experiences of disabled colleagues working in health and care across Humber and North Yorkshire.

Blogs from UKDHM 2023

Events in Humber and North Yorkshire from UKDHM 2023

A number of events have taken place across Humber and North Yorkshire – these were for colleagues working in health and care.

The following events took place for UKDHM (links are to recordings where available):

You can find details of future events on our dedicated booking website, BookWhen.

Humber and North Yorkshire (HNY) Inclusive Language Guidance

Read more about inclusive language around disability and beyond in the HNY Inclusive Language Guidance.

We’re not a write-off! – a creative writing collection from disabled colleagues

We’re not a write-off! is a collection of poetry and short stories from disabled colleagues working and / or volunteering in health and care across Humber and North Yorkshire. It was launched in January 2023 to mark the end of UKDHM 2022.

You can read the We’re not a write-off! creative writing collection online.

NOTE: This collection of creative writing reflects the diverse lived experiences of disabled people across Humber, North Yorkshire and beyond and as such, includes language and subject matter that some may find difficult to read.

Support services

The following organisations provide support for parent / guardian carers of disabled children and young people across Humber and North Yorkshire, for disabled children and young people and / or for disabled parents.

Each organisation will offer different services and in different areas. More information on each can be found using the links below:

National resources and useful links

This page will be revisited for UKDHM 2024. Please visit our Disability Futures page for our plans between now and then.

(Last updated Wednesday 20 December 2023)