Now in its fifth year, Jean Bishop Integrated Care Centre in Hull is a leading example of NHS, social care, voluntary, fire and rescue services working collaboratively to keep thousands of frail and elderly people in the surrounding area fit, out of hospital and living independently at home or in their care setting.
The first of its type in the UK, the Jean Bishop centre sees patients from Hull and East Yorkshire, who have been referred by their GP, receive a bespoke care plan following same-day appointments with a range of health and social care professionals.
Following an initial assessment in their own home or care setting, each patient is seen at the Jean Bishop centre by a clinician (either a GP with an extended role in frailty, a consultant community geriatrician or an advanced nurse practitioner), a physiotherapist, social worker, voluntary services worker and other specialists. There are also diagnostics facilities, which enable healthcare staff to carry out blood tests, x-rays and in the near future CT scans as required.
At the end of their visit, each patient receives their care plan, knowing they’ve been listened to by healthcare professionals who have the time to listen and identify what’s important to each patient, and reassured their plan will be implemented and monitored.
As a further demonstration of working in collaboration the centre is also home to the East Hull crew of Humberside Fire and Rescue Service, with personnel specially trained in falls triage and assessment.
Measured outcomes show that between April 2019 and September 2022 Jean Bishop Integrated Care Centre contributed to a 13.6% reduction in emergency hospital attendances for patients aged over 80. Over the same period there was a 17.6% reduction in emergency department attendances for patients in care homes.
The Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board hosted a visit from the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Rt Hon Steve Barclay MP, in August 2022 and you can read the story of that visit here.
Social Worker Tracey Howard and Advanced Nurse Practitioner Wayne Morrow explain how their respective roles at the Jean Bishop centre form part of an integrated package of wraparound care for frail and elderly patients.
They were genuine, caring people, and put me at my ease straight away,’ – Rosina recalls her positive experience as a patient referred to the centre, while Dr Andrew Noble says, as a GP with an extended role in frailty, his focus is on finding out patients’ concerns and what matters to them.
Jean Bishop was a beloved Hull resident known as the ‘Bee Lady’ who raised around £124,000 for Age UK, dressed as a bumblebee. She died in 2021 at the age of 99.

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