Stoptober blog

A blog from Scott Crosby, Associate Director, Centre for Excellence in Tobacco Control, Kaye Mann West Yorkshire Tobacco Control Lead and Sarah Hepworth, South Yorkshire Tobacco Control Lead across Yorkshire and the Humber

Hello, our names are Scott, Kaye and Sarah


When we first teamed up to tackle tobacco control over a decade ago, smoking rates in Yorkshire and the Humber were a staggering 22%. Today, we’re proud to share that this number has dropped to 12.7%. This is a huge win for all of us, showing the power of partnership and our unwavering determination. But our job is far from finished. Smoking is still the leading cause of preventable illness, claiming around 64,000 lives in England each year. In Yorkshire and Humber alone, it tragically takes about 7,500 lives annually. That’s like 18 jumbo jet crashes every year in our region.

Most of us know someone—a family member or friend—who has been taken too early by a smoking-related disease. Tobacco is uniquely harmful – there’s no safe level of smoking. No other consumer product kills two-thirds of its long-term users. And 75% of smokers would never have started if they had the choice again.

Smoking is the single most avoidable risk factor for cancer, responsible for nearly one-fifth of all new cancer cases in the UK each year. It devastates families and places an immense burden on our public services, with over 525,000 hospital admissions annually in Yorkshire and Humber alone. Beyond health impacts, smoking significantly reduces quality of life and puts pressure on our economy and healthcare systems.

That’s why we’re proud to announce that all our local authorities and integrated care boards are committed to working together to further drive down smoking rates. We’re on a mission to build a healthier, smoke-free future for generations to come.

A public health imperative

Tackling tobacco isn’t just about saving lives. It’s also about addressing its profound social and economic impacts. Smoking drags on our productivity, widens health inequalities, and disproportionately affects the most disadvantaged in our communities. Every year, smoking-related costs exceed £17 billion in England, with £14 billion of that due to productivity losses. Each month, smoking is responsible for 75,000 GP appointments, and almost every minute, someone is admitted to the hospital because of smoking-related conditions.

Despite this staggering toll, we see an end to the smoking epidemic. Through strong partnerships with local authorities, integrated care boards, public health agencies like the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities and local healthcare providers, we’re committed to making a lasting difference—a legacy we can all be proud of. Individually, we may struggle to be heard above the powerful tobacco industry, but together, we can amplify our voices, influence policy, and drive meaningful behaviour change.

Our two core stands for joint action

  1. World-class behavioural change campaigns

We’re launching world-class behavioural change campaigns aimed at supporting people to stop smoking and helping the next generation to never start. By designing impactful, evidence-based messaging, we seek to empower individuals – especially those in high-risk groups – to make life-changing decisions. These campaigns will provide the tools, information, and motivation needed to prevent addiction and support quitting.

2. Building a world-class workforce

Our goal is to develop a world-class workforce trained in advanced techniques to support smokers in quitting. We’re investing in our specialist tobacco dependency practitioners, equipping them with the skills and resources to offer tailored, compassionate, and effective support. By doing so, we ensure that everyone, no matter where they live or their circumstances, has the best possible chance to quit smoking.

A smoke-free future

At the heart of our efforts is a commitment to creating a smoke-free future. Whether through collaborative partnerships, innovative prevention campaigns, or community engagement, we’re working tirelessly to protect people from the harms of smoking. Together, we will continue to fight for policies that safeguard public health, reduce health inequalities, and pave the way for a healthier, smoke-free UK. It’s a bold vision, but with unified voices, determination, and strong partnerships, it’s a vision we can achieve.

Let’s embrace this opportunity to amplify our message, support life-changing legislation, and build a healthier, brighter future for all.

Thanks for reading

Scott, Kaye and Sarah