Young people explore health and care careers in Hull and East Riding

The local health system has looked to attract young people to a career in health and care by showcasing a range of roles during a free two-day event at the University of Hull.

Humber and North Yorkshire’s Integrated Care System (ICS) took part in the recent Skills Event, giving more than 1,500 people the opportunity to speak face-to-face with representatives from health and care in Hull and East Riding.

Attendees participated in activities centred around the skills needed to succeed within the sector – communication, patience, empathy, positivity and humour – helping them to unlock their ambition and find a role that suits them.

Using virtual reality headsets, young people were also able to understand what working in a health and care environment involves. The technology means roles in the sector can be brought to life, allowing users to explore different scenarios and the kind of work they could be doing.

Tina Jenkinson, Careers and Employability Manager at Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, said: “Events like this are the perfect way for young people in Hull and East Riding to find out about a potential future career in health and care.

“We believe there are many people in our region who have all the right attributes to work in the sector. Careers events help us identify those with the talent and skills to succeed, support them to achieve their potential and make a real difference in their community.

“I encourage anyone who is interested in a career in health and care to explore all of the opportunities on our website.”

Humber and North Yorkshire ICS is a partnership of organisations that have come together to plan and deliver joined-up health and care services, and to improve the lives of people who live and work in the area.

The Humber and North Yorkshire Careers Hub has more information about careers in health and care, including details of education and training opportunities. To give people a head start in finding great jobs and planning their futures, the website has helpful advice on searching, applying and interviewing for a role.