
Inspiring the next generation of health and care workforce

Inspiring the next generation of health and care workforce.

– Tina Jenkinson Employability and Careers Manager, Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.

Our ambition is to enable consistent high-quality care and effective services to be delivered across Humber and North Yorkshire by growing the workforce of the future and ensuring adequate supply.

The Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership seeks to educate, train, and develop people and manage talent across our system. By strengthening pipelines into health and care vacancies whilst promoting an environment where our Health and Care staff feel motivated, informed, supported, empowered, and equipped with the right skills to lead and deliver excellence.  

There is much more to be done to address the gaps in our workforce across various roles, professional groups, and geographies. To address the pressures of workload and deliver the care patients need, we need to focus now on what we can do to grow our workforce. Such as:

  • To inspire a new generation workforce into Health and Social Care across Hull and East Riding.
  • Create a positive perception of careers in Health and Social Care.
  • Educating, training, and developing people and managing talent across Humber and North Yorkshire.

As part of this work, we developed a new careers hub website www.hnycareershub.co.uk to inspire and engage with the next generation of health and care workforce.

The website was developed collaboratively with stakeholders and the ‘career pathways’ section provides valuable information on over 100 jobs. This number will increase all the time as we add more and more to the website and as new roles emerge.

The website uses the format of ‘Get in’, ‘Get on’ and ‘Go Further’ to help people to see how they can get into certain job roles, what that may lead to and how they can further develop themselves.

An example could be someone who ‘Gets in’ as a healthcare support worker who then ‘Gets on’ by undertaking an apprenticeship to become a nursing associate. For them to ‘Go Further’ there is the option to undertake additional competencies to increase their scope of practice or they could choose to undertake further studies and become a registered nurse. All these roles can be within health or care which further increase’s the opportunities available.

‘Getting in’ is the first step to a world of work which is rewarding, meaningful and adds value to people’s lives, enabling them to start well, live well, age well and end life well.

For everyone working in health and care there is opportunity to develop through mandatory training, additional continuing professional development and through promotions as well as apprenticeships and academic study.

This new website hosts all this information and can really help to point people in the right direction whilst also providing resources to help with finding a job, course, or apprenticeship, completing an application, writing CVs and personal statements and interview techniques.

In addition to the current projects, we are also working collaboratively with our partners (employer and education) to deliver a number of health and care careers events across Humber and North Yorkshire to inspire the next generation of health and care workforce.