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Staff wellbeing – Beat the January Blues

44% of UK workers have reported negative effects on their mental health as a result of winter (1Occupational Health and Wellbeing). The winter months are challenging for many as we face a lack of sunlight and shortened daylight hours. This can result in low mood, feeling tired, and losing interest in the things we usually enjoy doing.

January is a particularly difficult month that many people struggle with. With the rush of the festive season fading, the days and weeks following Christmas can be a lonely and isolating time for many. January can also bring additional financial pressures as we deal with the impact of the gift-giving season and increased energy bills in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis.

On top of this, the health, social and emergency services sector continues to face extreme system wide demand, particularly with increasing winter pressures.  Hospital staff absences are up by 40% (2NHS England, 2022) with the most common reasons for healthcare workers being anxiety, stress, depression, and other psychological illnesses (3The King’s Fund, 2019).

The Humber and North Yorkshire Resilience Hub are here to support staff with any wellbeing and psychological support you may need during these unprecedented times.  The Resilience Hub provides support for healthcare, emergency services and social care workers with a unique understanding of the struggles being faced at this time.  Our staff are trained mental health professionals with extensive experience of working with people who have experienced traumatic and distressing events. Our team can offer access to quick and confidential 1-to-1 support, group or team support to staff and families living or working in the Humber and North Yorkshire region.  Please visit our website to find out about the Hub which includes some useful resources and guides.  To access Hub support you can complete our wellbeing questionnaire to self-refer: Complete our wellbeing questionnaire – HNY Resilience Hub

To help with the support and maintain your wellbeing, you could also download our ‘HNY Our People App’.  This is designed to maintain and improve the wellbeing and physical and mental health of staff by providing a range of self-help resources, with the tools to build healthy, positive habits into your everyday lives. A series of weekly posts provide you with wellbeing advice and support; and our self-help catalogue, including a range of materials and podcasts, gives you the tools at your fingertips to help manage your wellbeing positively.

A personal, digital wellness coach, Charley, can help you to create and continue small daily habits that can boost your wellbeing and help you to become a happier, healthier you.

If you’re looking for a little extra motivation you can also take part in challenges with other health, care and emergency service colleagues and track your progress along the way.


1Occupational Health & Wellbeing (2017); Sutton Vol. 69, Iss. 3: 5

2NHS England. (2022) Urgent and emergency care daily situation reports 2021-22. Staff absences 29 November 2021 to 2 January 2022. https://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/statistical-work-areas/uec-sitrep/urgent-and-emergency-care-daily-situation-reports-2021-22/

3The King’s Fund. (2019) NHS Sickness absence: let’s talk about mental health. https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/blog/2019/10/nhs-sickness-absence