Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week 2022

“Small changes repeated each day can go on to make a huge transformation to a person’s health and wellbeing and can help to reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.”

Danielle Alderson, Health and Wellbeing Coach for the Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme in the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2022

“One thing I’ve learned is the difference between feeling alone and feeling lonely – and how you can feel lonely in a crowd full of people, but quite peaceful and content when alone.”

– Jack Moore, Marketing and Communications Lead at Hull and East Yorkshire Mind.

Maternal Mental Health Week 2022

“Perinatal mental health problems are common, early identification and treatment provide good outcomes to mothers, their babies, and families. There are a wide range of services available to offer support and interventions including the specialist perinatal mental health service.”

-Katy Morley Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service Development Manager.

Maternal Mental Health Week 2022

“Each new life, no matter how brief, changes the lives of those mothers and families. As a service we aim to support and improve psychological well-being for those affected by their experiences.”

– Corrina Matthews, Maternal Mental Health Service Manager at Hull University Teaching Hospital Trust

Stress Awareness Month

“We know that to improve the health of our population it’s incredibly important our staff are looked after too, we are committed to helping staff improve their health and wellbeing.”

-Jade Jenkins, Health and Wellbeing Project Manager at Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.

Allied Health Professionals Return to Practice

“We want to welcome Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) who are thinking of returning to practice and will help with the HealthCare Professions Council (HCPC) re-registration process through practice placements. It’s simpler than you might think.”

– Shelly Rice, AHP Workforce Lead and Educational Lead Radiographer at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.

National Careers Week 2022

“National Careers Week 2022: How Humber, Coast and Vale Workforce Consortium support people into health and care careers.”

-Amanda Fisher, Programme Director of the Health and Care Workforce Consortium and Faculty of Advancing Practice