Maternal Mental Health Week 2022

“Each new life, no matter how brief, changes the lives of those mothers and families. As a service we aim to support and improve psychological well-being for those affected by their experiences.”

– Corrina Matthews, Maternal Mental Health Service Manager at Hull University Teaching Hospital Trust

Smokers and former smokers asked to share their views in a survey commissioned by the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.

Current and former smokers living across the region are being invited to take part in a confidential survey designed to find out how they feel about smoking and the support available to quit. The information gathered by the survey will be used to inform communications as Tobacco Dependence Treatment Services are launched in NHS Trusts in the … Read more

App store set to help support you with choosing the right self-care

The utilisation of Digital Health has increased during the COVID-19 Pandemic due to patients being limited in being able to physically attend appointments with a health care professional.  Within digital healthcare, there is an appetite to continue with alternative access routes with an understanding that virtual appointments are not always the best option for all … Read more

Health leaders in North Yorkshire and York urge patients to only use hospital A&Es in genuine ‘life and limb’ emergencies.

Health leaders in North Yorkshire and York are urging patients to only visit hospital A&Es “in genuine life and limb emergencies”. A&Es across the region are currently under intense pressure and some patients are waiting longer to be seen than might ordinarily be the case. Ahead of the Easter bank holiday weekend, the NHS says … Read more

Stress Awareness Month

“We know that to improve the health of our population it’s incredibly important our staff are looked after too, we are committed to helping staff improve their health and wellbeing.”

-Jade Jenkins, Health and Wellbeing Project Manager at Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.

As I see it – the latest blog from Sue Symington

Building a strong Integrated Care System I frequently find myself describing the evolution of our ICS as a ‘construction project’! This seems to me to explain the logical way in which we are establishing our Integrated Care System (ICS): we can’t build the roof for example until the supporting structures are in place. Like a construction … Read more

Allied Health Professionals Return to Practice

“We want to welcome Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) who are thinking of returning to practice and will help with the HealthCare Professions Council (HCPC) re-registration process through practice placements. It’s simpler than you might think.”

– Shelly Rice, AHP Workforce Lead and Educational Lead Radiographer at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.