Chair's Blog

As I see it – the latest blog from Sue Symington

Building a strong Integrated Care System I frequently find myself describing the evolution of our ICS as a ‘construction project’! This seems to me to explain the logical way in which we are establishing our Integrated Care System (ICS): we can’t build the roof for example until the supporting structures are in place. Like a construction … Read more

As I see it – the latest blog from Sue Symington

Refreshing our identity to reflect a new name and purpose Our work to develop our Integrated Care System is taking place in many ways, in many places and with many people working hard to turn our shared vision into reality. Thank you to everyone. As we grow closer to the proposed date for Integrated Care … Read more

As I see it – the latest blog from Sue Symington

Cementing relationships in North East Lincolnshire Lately, I have been describing this period of developing our Integrated Care System (ICS) as in ‘the construction phase’. Many colleagues and partners are contributing to the construction of the ICS, and as chair my special building projects include building the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and relationships with partners. … Read more

As I see it – the latest blog from Sue Symington

With each passing week our ICS develops…. There is a sequential process to ‘building’ an ICS, and much of that is to do with people. In my case, over the last couple of weeks, recruiting to our Integrated Care Board. This process will draw to a close shortly, and our ICS board should be in … Read more

As I see it – the latest blog from Sue Symington

New ways of delivering care offer improved health outcomes for communities. It is well known that all successful organisations coalesce around a very clear sense of purpose. Our Integrated Care System (ICS) in common with all ICSs, has a very clear purpose – improving the health of our population, seeking to reduce health inequalities which … Read more

As I see it – the latest blog from Sue Symington

Developing the role of the ICS Chair requires equal amounts of ‘looking in’ and ‘looking out’. By ‘looking in’, I mean focussing on those matters which are important to the development of our ICS, not least the significant recruitment which seeks to shape our leadership team. This work is progressing well, and we remain on … Read more

As I see it – the latest blog from Sue Symington

 Getting our message across using new ways of communicating Finding ways to communicate effectively with our partners is one of the key priorities of our Integrated Care System (ICS). We recognise that our communications must work across many channels, for many different audiences. Our Communications Team will be supporting the ICS Leadership Team to develop … Read more